January 2023
Dear Friends & Fellow-Laborers,
Greetings from a very warm Papua New Guinea!
This newsletter marks some ministry milestones for Lena and me. January 1st is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of my privilege to serve in full-time ministry. I know that’s hard to believe for such a young fellow as myself, but it’s true! Those forty years have taken us through local ministries at our home church in Kentucky to preaching and teaching around the world, including the focus of the last fifteen years here in Papua New Guinea. The Lord has been good and faithful to us all along the way. Our sons and their families are serving the Lord, and we are so blessed to have it so.
By God’s grace, 2023 will give us our first graduating class from Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby. Seventeen students are on track to finish in May; pray with us that they will finish strong. Right now, during our holiday break, some of the students are out in various locations around PNG preaching and assisting local churches and new outreaches. It is exciting to see the Lord use them! Thank the Lord for the local pastors and their churches who shape and mold these servants into what the Lord would have them to be.

Work is continuing on the Study Bible and the Kamea New Testament. Last night we had some young men (university and tech school students) join us to continue our read-through of Proverbs. It always excites me to see people catch the vision of laboring to understand the text of God’s Word in an effort to make it plain!
As we begin the New Year, let us do it with purpose. Practice your spiritual disciplines of reading the Word and prayer, as well as sharing the Gospel and discipling others. If you miss a day or miss a chance, pick up and press on. May we be found faithful when He comes!
Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Philippians 1:27
Hello Pastor Allen,
We’re one of Pastor Suteks missionary, and we are working with indigenous people in the Philippines.
We heard about the talk you had today about the medical thing.
We’re just so touched by how you described every details of the ministry.
Yes, we’re not prepared for this, but day by day God is just so merciful by keeping us and allowing us to minister through this way.
Right now, the book “Where there is no doctor” really is a big blessing to us, it gives us a big help.
But we love to ask more and learn more from you guys.
I tried to search you on Facebook, but I can’t find neither you or Ma’am Lena.
Hoping for your response.
Thank you and God bless!
Alvin and Mae.
Hello Alvin and Mae,
I’m so sorry I didn’t get this message until today, 9 Mar 2023.
The “Where There is no Doctor” book is a great resource. Glad you have it.
My wife is the one to ask questions of. She is a registered nurse/midwife in both the US and Papua New Guinea. She started and operated a clinic in a remote region with several staff members for 11 years. She may be able to answer your questions. Please email her at lenaallen@yahoo.com
If you look through earlier posts on this website, you can see some of the medical ministry photos. We had to close at the end of 2021 due to lack of funding and staff.
God bless and use you both in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your faithfulness.
God bless you, and congratulations on 40 years.
Thank you Bro James–appreciate you!