
Reaching People Where They Are

This has been as varied a ministry season for us as I can remember. In April I finished teaching classes on church history at Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby and headed to Amman, Jordan to teach at the Biblical Theological Seminary.

The trip itself was eventful, at least all around us. As we flew to Dubai, Iran was launching armed drones west over Jordanian airspace. As we passed through Dubai, they experienced record flooding—and so did we. (Dubai is in a desert…lots of rain is not really their thing.)

It was my second trip to teach Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church) at BTS, but this time I got to teach for a week without my Bible or my notes, as our bags got lost in the craziness in Dubai. BTS had my notes from last time, but alas, the notes were already translated into Arabic and not much help to me. We made do until the Lord graciously gave us our suitcases with my Bible and notes.

Bill and Ghassan and their families are great hosts, and are doing a great work for the Lord in a difficult place. They just purchased their own building after 20-plus years, so now the church and seminary can have a permanent home.

The in-class students were from different countries in the Middle East. There were also two students following along online from another country in the region. It humbles me to have the opportunity to teach these dear brethren; and I, too, learned from them.

After finishing up in Amman, we crossed the Jordan and spent four days in Israel shooting video and photos to use in future videos in Tok Pisin for our people in PNG. We made similar videos back in 2013, and they have been widely distributed. It is such a help for our people to actually see what the lands of the Bible look like!

After arriving in the USA in May, we headed up to Dearborn, Michigan, to be with Pastor Chris Staub. Dearborn is home to the largest concentration of Arabic people in the US. How exciting it was to learn that Bro. David Gates is there working with Silvery Lane Baptist Church to reach the 80% majority of Arabic people right around the church! Other Baptist churches have moved out of that area, but Pastor Staub and his people are staying put and reaching those whom God has sent.

Being in Jordan and Israel reminded me how hard it is when you cannot share the Gospel because you don’t speak the language. It does, however, make me press in and use the languages I know to tell the old, old story!

Thinking back this year, there have been different places as well as different people…

…like walking through the Gospel with David as I drove him to the bus stop
…or giving out Bibles and a testimony to Tony and his workmates at the gas pump
…or sharing with Thaddeus about what Christ has done for him while waiting for the 4 AM bus to come
…or the many times Teresa has visited our home, and heard a Gospel presentation.

While I haven’t seen David, or Tony, or Thaddeus again, I did hear that Teresa trusted Christ just a couple weeks ago. Whether we are sowing or watering or reaping the harvest; whether we are in Port Moresby or Amman or Dearborn; we are laborers together with God in the great business of building His church!

Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Psalm 71:18

More photos below:

Flooding in the streets of Dubai as we passed through–deserts are not supposed to flood

We are in the process of producing short videos for YouTube of biblical sites in Israel and Jordan. They will be in Tok Pisin, the trade language of Papua New Guinea. We will let you know as they release.

Shooting a video in Tok Pisin at the site where Jesus was baptized at Bethany beyond Jordan

Just Normal, Everyday Things for Us

A Python in the Translation Office: One day our maintenance guys were checking the air conditioner when they discovered a three-foot python living there. He had resided there a good while; and no, I had no idea. The snake has since found “other accommodations.”

Jeffrey and the snake

A Broken Bridge: On a recent trip to Lae City, I crossed the Yalu River bridge just a couple of hours before it collapsed, leaving me (and many others) stuck on the opposite side of the river from my flight home. It was a big deal, as this bridge serves to connect all of the Highlands of PNG with the port of Lae. (Thank the Lord, I was able to get to my flight by crossing back over the river in a Land Cruiser driven by a good brother…)

With the Yalu bridge down, people and vehicles crossed through the Yalu River

Kamea New Testament: Even with a snake hiding in the office, July was a fantastic month for us translating the Kamea New Testament. Pastor Ben spent two weeks here while we read through corrections of our previous work in all four Gospels, plus we read through (word-by-word) the Kamea translation of  2 Corinthians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1 Timothy! We will update you more later on our progress, but snake or no snake, the Kamea translation is getting close to being finished!

Men’s Meeting: I got to Lae before the bridge collapsed in time to speak several times at Calvary Baptist Church’s Men’s Camp. It was a great time in the Word of God, with 20 men making professions of faith, and many others making decisions. I relish the fellowship of these dear brothers on the other side of the island. Yalu Bridge may have collapsed, but God made a bridge for many during the meeting!

Calvary’s Men’s Camp August 2024

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby: BBIPOM held its second graduation in August. Both of our 2024 graduates have already been active full-time in their local churches’ school ministries. Janelle teaches here at South Pacific International Academy, and Preacher David is in Western Province in PNG right now preaching a youth camp!

BBIPOM 2024 Graduates David Yuro and Janelle Kila

BBIPOM is already five weeks into our new semester, with many visitors attending our Tuesday evening classes on “Marriage and the Home.” We count it a privilege to have a part in gospel preaching, Bible translation, leadership training, and family building!

An Illness: Lena has had a difficult time these last several weeks with various health issues. After some internal bleeding, her hemoglobin dropped to 8.1, and she has had back-to-back infections. The blood issue seems to be healed, but as she recovers from that, the infections continue.

Not everything in life, even on the mission field, is victory and bliss. Sometimes our wise Lord chooses a more difficult path for us to walk, that He may get the glory and be our all in all. In God’s sovereign plan for us, these health issues are what they are, and they remind us that God is good, all the time.

With that said, Lena and I covet your earnest prayers for her health. We have no plans to leave the field. We are grateful for the Lord’s gift to us of a good doctor here in Port Moresby. What we need are those who will partner with us in prayer daily on our behalf. With all that we see the Lord doing, we can see why the level of spiritual opposition is high. The adversary doesn’t want God’s Word translated into another unwritten language; he doesn’t want more people saved and stirred; and he doesn’t want more ministers trained for the work. We believe the Lord has given us this work for this season, and we believe He has given you to us as partners.

We concur with a good brother of mine, who says, “We continue to have need of nothing except your prayers.” Will you pray for us specifically, daily, that we can keep running our race here, and running it well? For those friends who can and will partner with us in this prayer, we thank you!

Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Psalm 71:18

Here are some more photos from the last two months:

We had a wonderful meeting of Baptist Leaders in PNG at the end of August. Pray with us for this to develop into a furtherance of Gospel advance in PNG and beyond.

Men’s Camp at Calvary Baptist Church, Lae

BBIPOM Classes for the Fall Term 2024

At the beginning of September there was a huge fire near our church campus. Our water delivery truck teams from the ministry here delivered water to the fire trucks to keep them on site fighting the fire. Over 230 new vehicles in an import storage yard were destroyed in this “brush fire” gone wild. The quick work of the water truck teams kept the fire from spreading to the offices and warehouses.


March 2024

For almost eleven years Lena and I lived at Kunai in the remote mountains of Gulf Province, PNG. In the Wenna Valley the ground was not very fertile, so our people did most of their gardening (their only food source) on the other side of the mountains that surrounded us.

But one thing grew quite well in our valley: Pineapples. When they were in season, you could get a juicy one for a few cents. We ate a lot of pineapple in those days, and loved it!

Living in the capital now is quite different. Pineapples brought in from great distances can cost upwards of $5.00 each—and they don’t taste nearly as good.

One of our young Kamea men from Kotidanga Baptist Church, Ryan, lives here on the church and school campus, while working as an apprentice electrician. His grandfather passed away last month, so Ryan caught a truck to Kerema (7 hours away) and then hiked two and a half days back through the mountains to Kunai.

Ryan grew up in Kotidanga, and we’ve known him ever since we arrived here over sixteen years ago. He continues to be a faithful Christian, serving the Lord in the church here, and helping us as one of our bible translation checkers. His dad and mom are still members of the church back in Kotidanga. His dad is a village leader. His mom worked with Lena at Kunai Health Centre, where Lena trained her to read microscope slides to look for malaria and tuberculosis.

For a lot of the young people here, we get to be Mama and Papa. Counseling, encouraging, witnessing to lost friends they bring over to our house. Some of the young people are our Bible college students.

After Ryan returned, he brought us word of how the believers are doing back in the village. We were able to share with him that another of the youth with whom Ryan grew up, Judas, is finishing up his Bible school training this year with Bro. Wil Muldoon, and plans to return to the area to minister among the Kamea people.

When Ryan hiked back from Kotidanga, he carried this pineapple and two large cucumbers for us. They added at least another 8 pounds to his load, which he gently carried for two and a half days as he hiked down out of the mountains. All because he knew that Mama Lena and Papa John love Kunai pineapples and cucumbers.

That’s how love looks like a pineapple.


Pineapples aren’t the only fruit that grew at Kunai. Over the years many people were saved, and trained, and nurtured. Some of the youth, like Ryan, Braxstone, Caleb, and Selestine have gone on to become blessings in the church here in Port Moresby.

Our son Matt’s ministry at Capital City Baptist has had many people saved in the last several weeks. Resurrection Sunday will see many of these following the Lord in believer’s baptism. Lena had the joy of leading a lady to Christ at CCBC this last weekend.

I had the privilege to teach and preach a Biblical Preaching Conference for Pastor Michael Saka in Lae in February. Then in March we had the joy of being with Pastor Camillus Kumbi and Missionary Kenny Seremak for a three-day meeting to kick off their new Bible school year. Thank the Lord for the ministries around our nation who invest in training men and ladies for ministry. And thank you for partnering with us in the work the Lord has given us!

Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Psalm 71:18

   Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

Below: The Biblical Preaching Conference in Lae (at Tent Siti Baptist Church) had time during the day sessions for everyone to practice what they were learning in reading and comprehending the biblical texts assigned.

Below: Praise the Lord for our BBIPOM students and graduates. Some have developed into skillful preachers of the Word. And thank God for students who will endure those hot evenings when we have power blackouts–which are quite frequent. (PC for some photos: Kidu Morea)

Below: Special moments of recent note.


November 2023 click here for printable copy

“Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me,
in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.”   (2 Timothy 1:13)

In September we held our first commencement exercises for Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby. There were 18 in our pioneer class. They persevered through a pandemic and personal loss. They sat for many exams in a classroom, and took many exams online. They learned, they laughed, they loved, and they lived out their profession of faith in Christ Jesus. They did outreaches, held public evangelism, taught day school, taught Sunday school, and preached in markets and homes and pulpits. Some went to the Highlands; some went to the islands. The reason we call our graduation exercises a “commencement”is because it is not supposed to be the end, but it is supposed to be the beginning. The beginning of learning, the beginning of reaching people for Christ, the beginning of discipleship, the beginning of a fruitful life in service of our King!

Our students’ stories are varied. Each one is dear to Lena and me. Our prayer is that God will use them all for His glory and the advancement of the Gospel in PNG and among the peoples of the world.

Soon after graduation, we had the privilege of having our son Nate coming to speak for youth camp here at Capital City Baptist Church, where our son Matt pastors. Nate brought our grandson Graham, and it was a wonderful, busy, and fruitful time of ministry and fellowship. God did great things at youth camp and in our local church. Our BBIPOM students even enjoyed a luncheon meeting with Pastor Nate while he was here too. God is so good!


Our world is very different than it was just a few short years ago. Deception and division continue to rise, faster than any time in living memory. Strong beliefs in the Truth are necessary if we are to live and lead effectively. Wishy-washy idealism will not inspire confidence in others.

It is vital that we “hold fast the form of sound words,” those core beliefs of Christianity such as inerrancy of the Scriptures, existence of a personal God, the Deity of Jesus Christ, the necessity of the redemption of man through the sinless atoning sacrifice of the blood of Christ, etc. But too often we blindly repeat what others say, rather than stating truths which we ourselves have studied, meditated on, and been transformed by. In the early stages of our Christian life, it was good that we found others whom we could trust and lean upon for our foundation. But as we mature, we must “Prove all things; [and] hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thes. 5:21) In our present world with its constant challenges to historical, biblical Christian beliefs, we must have sound, biblical answers for ourselves and for those who ask a reason of the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15).

We must have a Bible-based theology to lead God’s people in an effective manner in these tumultuous days. We must be students of the Word of God. We must love it and search it and believe it and wrestle with texts that are difficult. The Word is our bedrock as shifting winds of culture blow against our beliefs and our faith in God. It must be the Word of God that points our people to Him as they navigate these same storms.

I am unapologetically dispensational in my theological outlook for the future. The Word of God and two eyes open to the world around us scream that this is unlike any time in world history. One could argue that such-and-such has happened repeatedly in human history, that there is “nothing new under the sun.” What one cannot ignore is that these things have never come to pass so concurrently on a global scale. Just think of the governmental instabilities, the military alliances, the rampant rise in anti-Jewish sentiment around the world, and the promotions of wickedness as normal; plus inconceivable advances in AI technology…we have never seen such a surging toward the end as we see it now. Even a cursory reading of eschatology (Ezekiel 38-39, Matthew 24, Revelation 6-18) gives one pause as to where we are headed.

We must know what we believe. To know what we believe, we must study the Word and learn from those who went before us, those whose testimony is biblical, faithful, and sure.

Hold fast what you know is true. Be ready to go or to stay. And be sure to keep telling others about Jesus.

Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Hebrews 12:1-2


Pastor Nate, Papa John, Bro Phil Parry, & Pastor Matt, Christian Life Seminar at CCBC Youth Camp 2023
Happy ladies!


Now also when I am old and grayheaded,
O God, forsake me not
until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation,
and thy power to every one that is to come.
(Psalm 71:18)

Every one of us is the product of those who invest in us over the years. I’m very thankful for those whom the Lord continues to bring into my life to mentor me, as well as those He has sent in decades gone by. I’m also quite aware that fewer and fewer of my mentors are still around (on this side) for the journey ahead. I’ve mentioned before the great impact my pastor, Dr. Don Mangus, had on our lives. I’d like to speak about two other men who helped me grow in the Lord in my early years.

As young people in an ACE Christian school in Daytona Beach in the mid-70s, Lena and I had the blessing of having Norm and Mary Pettus as our high school principal and class supervisor. They invested much in us in those early years of our Christian lives. It was in high school that I first came to faith in the Lord Jesus, and it was “Mr. P” (as I still refer to him) who taught me the basic principles of the Christian life that are still part of my walk with the Lord. I did not come from a Christian home, so it was Mr. P who modeled for me how to be a Christian husband and leader. He took time with me and other young men to mature us in life and in the faith. I doubt he had any idea how far his influence would spread, but right after I graduated from high school, the soldiers who came to Christ during my first years of Army service were fruit added to his account. The memory of his teaching us, loving us, and being a mentor to us still lingers in my mind. By God’s grace, we still stay in touch on social media. Mr. and Mrs. P have been encouragers to us all through our journey, and we praise the Lord for them.

Just a few short weeks ago, another of my early mentors paid us a visit here. Our son Matt invited Bro. James Griggers to PNG after he had been in Australia for some meetings. Bro. Griggers and I go back to 1980 when I was a soldier stationed in Germany. He was a missionary who came to help another missionary who was helping our fledgling military church. Bro. Griggers taught me how to soul-win properly and he explained to me the first principles of theology I ever learned. We GIs would get together with the missionaries and laugh, eat, pray, worship, and talk of the things of the Lord.

A few years after we moved back to the US, Bro.Griggers joined our church and became one of our missionaries. That kept me in even closer contact with him, and over the years I had the privilege of traveling with him in meetings. In 2001 I became pastor of Landmark, and Bro.Griggers immediately taught me the principle of humility—because my elder mentor was now under my pastoral care. His letter to me expressing his submission to the authority of his new pastor has stayed with me. Even today, when I teach on spiritual humility, I often use Bro. Griggers in that instance as my example.
Bro. Griggers & Capital City Baptist Church Pastoral Staff

His visit here last month allowed him to see firsthand both Matt’s ministry and ours. He got to meet many of our BBIPOM students at a luncheon given in his honor, where he gave his testimony and spoke about faithfulness in ministry. He sat with our translation checking team on a Saturday evening and listened to them as they discussed nuances of language. He preached for the church here and in Christian school chapel. And we fellowshipped together—now as older saints remembering the goodness and glory of God in years and places gone by, while rejoicing that God is doing even greater things today.

In a few days our first BBIPOM graduating class will receive their diplomas. Though Mr. P and Bro. Griggers will not be here in person, their investment continues to multiply in the lives of these graduates. May we be grateful to all those who have poured into us, and may we be faithful to pass along what we have received.  (2 Timothy 2:2)
Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Hebrews 12:1-2

In July I had the privilege of teaching again in India. Glory to God for the time with the students and with some choice pastors and servants of the Lord.


In late 2021, due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to cease operations at Kunai Health Centre after over 13 years of service to our dear Kamea people. It was a painful decision for all of the staff involved. Some of the reasons were:

  1. A lack of funding for the Health Centre. We paid our PNG staff from our own support, including one CHW nurse graduate. We could not afford to pay anyone else, and we needed more PNG nurses. The reason for that was:
  2. We were no longer able to use the visa we had used to bring in our nurse volunteers from the USA and Australia. We had been informed by the government we could use that visa, and we did for over 8 years. In early 2021 they changed their ruling regarding how we used it. Going forward we would need to get all of our incoming expatriate nurses full PNG visas and PNG nursing licenses. Since all of our nurses were coming as self-sponsored volunteers, none of them had the time to wait for all that paperwork. They were not sponsored missionary workers, and it just would not work for them or for us.
  3. We needed full-time management of the clinic on the ground at Kunai. There was no one who could take that position, which would include doing all the supply and medicine buying and taking care of all the transport costs of procurement and delivery to our remote site.

When Kunai Health Centre closed, we no longer had a means to administer the Baby Milk Program. The remaining cans of milk were given to our national pastor to distribute to those who were on the program. He continued to do that until the supply ran out. The final cans were distributed in mid-2022.

We are so very grateful to those who gave to this program, and for those who kept our dear moms and babies in prayer. The Lord did much through this ministry, not only helping babies get a good start on life, but also through showing the love of Jesus through the hands-on labor of loving these dear families.


July 2023

“…let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus..”
(Hebrews 12:1b-2a

Lately I have been reminded that our lives are so much like races to be run. Some races have stages to run, each with its own beginning and ending. In every race, how you finish is as important as how you start and how you run. As has been said, “Anyone can start, but who will finish?”


Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby’s first group of 17 students completed their 3 ½ years of study in mid-May. They learned from God’s Word, gleaned practical principles, and applied themselves in many different ministries. They also developed perseverance, overcame obstacles (including the pandemic, blackouts, floods, and fighting in their streets), and still completed their course with joy. I am blessed to have a part in their lives, and I thank the Lord for each of them.


In April we held our second BBIPOM Conference, this one focusing on biblical preaching. It was well attended by pastors from Port Moresby, Central Province, and Gulf Province. Pray that we will be able to host more of these conferences each year.

During our trip to the US, we were able to visit churches in several states. Thank the Lord for those of you who faithfully serve the Lord through trials of affliction and keep finding ways to reach people with the Gospel. Lena and I were challenged by the spirit we found in you dear pastors and your people.

A highlight of the trip was being able to minister at our home church, after which I had the privilege of baptizing two of our high school-aged grandchildren, Beth and Abe. What an honor for a granddad!

We were also able to visit our son Nate and the new church plant in Indiana. Nate’s family and Dave’s family live within an hour’s drive of each other, so we were able to be with all of them. God has blessed us with a wonderful family (in the US and PNG) who love the Lord and His people.


Do we not enjoy finding those who are starting out serving the Lord? Seeing new believers begin walking in the truth and acquiring a hunger for the Lord and His Word is always exciting! Some of these are students at BBIPOM, others are high school students or graduates with a heart for the Lord. Praise the Lord for each one!

Our grandson Ben graduated from high school at our home church, and it was my privilege to be asked to speak at the commencement. Praise the Lord, no greater joy!


There are many dear ones who finish the race well. One of our dear students at BBIPOM, Sister Flora, finished her course a few months ago, graduating ahead of her husband and her class. Grief is the portion of those left to keep running; but the “well done” of the Savior was the greeting as our sister crossed the line, safely home.

Benjamin Luke and his family in April 2022

Some of you will remember a dear brother from our ministry days up in the mountains. Benjamin Luke became a paraplegic from TB. He trusted Christ over a decade ago and was a testimony to everyone who visited him. He suffered greatly in his affliction, but thankfully Lena and the faithful Kunai Health Centre staff were able to minister to him and alleviate some of that pain. Even when we moved to the capital, Ben continued to call us every couple of weeks from his hut on the top of a mountain. Just a few weeks ago Ben finished his course. He could not run with his legs for many years, but wow, I imagine he is running now! We will always remember him praying for us on the phone, for Lena’s health and for the blessing of God on the ministry. You ran well, my brother. Enjoy your new legs, and run to Jesus!

Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Hebrews 12:1-2

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

Enjoy some pictures from the last couple of months!

BBIPOM Conference photos:

Here are some pictures of our Saturday night translation checking squad:

We had a great meal and fellowship when we ended the semester at BBIPOM in May:

Here is Lena with Margaret and her son Alex. Margaret and Lena worked together for years at Kunai Health Centre. Margaret and Alex both went on to study and graduate as community health workers (think LPN in the US). We are so proud of their hearts to serve the Lord and their people!


Click here for printable copy

…IN MERCY: We’ve all had a phone call…you know, the one that sets your heart pounding, mind racing, and hopefully, prayers flying. We got one of those calls in January. Pastor Ben’s wife, Anjuda, had delivered her baby early in a remote area and was in bad shape. Thankfully, she was near the highway from Kerema to Port Moresby, having come down from their village in the mountains. Our son Matt took one of our Bible school students, Braxstone, and Pastor Ben’s oldest daughter Selestine, and they sped off on an overnight trip to find Anjuda and the baby, and to bring them back to Port Moresby. Almost 14 hours after they left, after bouncing on the potholed road, avoiding a couple of attempted road blocks/car jackings, and having the truck stoned, they returned to meet us at the hospital. Anjuda took two units of blood; and by God’s grace, she recovered! The little baby boy also recovered quickly as well. Praise the Lord for His care of Matt, Braxstone, and Sele as they made the trip to literally save Anjuda’s life. And better yet—after recovering with us here at our home for several more days, Pastor Ben’s family was able to head back to their village.

Braxstone, Pastor Ben, Anjuda & baby, & Selestine

Not everything here is that dramatic, praise the Lord. The day-in, day-out routines of life are where we all live. For us it is two evenings of Bible college, one evening of translation checking, Wednesday evening Bible study in Boroko, plus daytime work on the translation projects, weekly preparation for preaching and teaching, and discipleship.

…IN OUTREACH: Some of our Bible college students spent December and January in outreach ministries at a distance from here. One went with another preacher to Southern Highlands Province, filling in at churches without pastors. Another went to the island of Bougainville, where he began three separate ministries in a few weeks. The door is open in so many places here, and we are working to get more laborers trained as we help them catch the vision! It is good to see the growth in spiritual maturity among our students, as well as seeing some begin to get a good grasp on handling the Word of God well in their study and in preaching and teaching!

Preacher Flynn preaching at Shalom Baptist (PC Pastor Tau Abary)

…IN TRAINING: Recently I was privileged to hold a Biblical Preaching Workshop for pastors on the other side of the island in Lae, hosted by Pastor Michael Saka. Most of these laborers preach and teach in Tok Pisin, so we adapted the materials for them. They are really hungry to learn and preach the Word!

Then we had a Workers’ Training Seminar for Pastor Tau Abary here in the city. It was packed with experienced and prospective workers for their classes and ministries. Thank the Lord for those who desire to serve and dedicate themselves to it!

Last week we were in Mt. Hagen with Pastor Camillus Kumbi and Missionary Kenny Seremak for the kick-off of their new Bible institute. It was encouraging to be with their prospective students and supporting pastors. We had great responses in each of the meetings. I look forward to hearing good things from this new partnership of churches in the Highlands.

…IN BLESSING: One last thing—can I brag on my wife? While walking through life as a grandmother to 10, and living with an oftentimes frustrating and painful disease, she manages to be a huge blessing. She’s my assistant in our Bible college classes, she balances her food budget to feed the whole crew of our weekly translation checks, and then washes dishes so we can go directly into the Word. I don’t know how it goes at your place, but at ours, an RN with a PhD fixes dinner, waits on guests, and washes dishes.

Papa John, Mama Lena, & Pastor Ben’s daughter, Selestine. Sele is living with us while she finishes her high school training, and is also enrolled in our Bible Institute.

We have an even busier schedule in the weeks to come. Pray we can do it all, and do it well, for the glory of God!

Pressing on by His Grace & Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Philippians 1:27

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

Enjoy the photos!

Mama and Papa with the Seremak family in Mt. Hagen
Pastor Matt Allen & Braxstone Yansom, who is both a Bible college student at BBIPOM and a pastoral intern at Capital City Baptist in Port Moresby


January 2023

Dear Friends & Fellow-Laborers,

Greetings from a very warm Papua New Guinea!

This newsletter marks some ministry milestones for Lena and me. January 1st is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of my privilege to serve in full-time ministry. I know that’s hard to believe for such a young fellow as myself, but it’s true! Those forty years have taken us through local ministries at our home church in Kentucky to preaching and teaching around the world, including the focus of the last fifteen years here in Papua New Guinea. The Lord has been good and faithful to us all along the way. Our sons and their families are serving the Lord, and we are so blessed to have it so.

By God’s grace, 2023 will give us our first graduating class from Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby. Seventeen students are on track to finish in May; pray with us that they will finish strong. Right now, during our holiday break, some of the students are out in various locations around PNG preaching and assisting local churches and new outreaches. It is exciting to see the Lord use them! Thank the Lord for the local pastors and their churches who shape and mold these servants into what the Lord would have them to be.

Reading through and comparing the English and Tok Pisin Translation of the Proverbs Study Bible.

Work is continuing on the Study Bible and the Kamea New Testament. Last night we had some young men (university and tech school students) join us to continue our read-through of Proverbs. It always excites me to see people catch the vision of laboring to understand the text of God’s Word in an effort to make it plain!

As we begin the New Year, let us do it with purpose. Practice your spiritual disciplines of reading the Word and prayer, as well as sharing the Gospel and discipling others. If you miss a day or miss a chance, pick up and press on. May we be found faithful when He comes!

Pressing on by His Grace and Goodness,
John & Lena Allen
Philippians 1:27


For printable copy, click here.

The ending of pandemic restrictions gave us back the joy of meeting together with the brethren in three conferences in the last three months.


The local Baptist churches in Port Moresby co-hosted the national conference under the leadership of Pastor Paul Lahari at Bible Baptist, and they did a good job of it. BBC provided the venue and lots of ever-present assistance, and many churches from the city joined hands to take turns cooking the meals, feeding the crowd, and leading the services. Thank the Lord for being able to hear the Word preached and to fellowship with some brothers we haven’t seen in years.

Evening Session of National Pastors’ Conference 2022

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby hosted its first annual conference right on the heels of the National Conference. It was so good to see our students looking sharp as we enjoyed the teaching from Pastor Cranston Knowles from the Bahamas and Pastor Ed Thierbach from the USA.

A highlight of the conference was the round-table discussion by the more seasoned PNG pastors regarding balancing ministry and family. It was a blessing to our students and to the pastors in attendance. We trust the Lord will allow us to continue holding these special meetings.

Pastors’ Panel at BBIPOM Conference


In early November I spent a few days in Lae City, PNG, where I was honored to be part of the “Iron Sharpeneth Iron” Conference hosted by Pastor Michael Saka of Tent Siti Baptist Church. There were several dozen pastors in attendance, plus many of their wives.

I was privileged to speak alongside Missionary Pastor Dala Momo (from PNG, who serves among the Aboriginal people of Australia). It was a biblically sound, theologically rich conference that God used to speak straight to our hearts. It was definitely a time of refreshing and challenge!

Pastor Dala teaching a day session


I want to thank all of you who have labored with us in prayer for Lena’s health. This has been a long, difficult season for us. Recently she has seen some relief, and has actually started to feel alive. We do not take this for granted, and we definitely praise the Lord for it.

Having just taught on prayer in Bible college here, and also teaching on it currently in our Wednesday evening fellowship meetings in Boroko, I am all the more aware that the answers we get from the Lord in answer to prayer are pure grace. He calls us to pray; but more than that, He calls us to trust. What rich lessons we have been learning by experience about trust—and what encouraging lessons we have been learning about God’s providence and wisdom. Difficult seasons test and prove our faithfulness to God, but more importantly, they build our faith in His faithfulness to us.

Please continue to pray for us. The harvest is great, and the open doors are many. In two weeks, Lena and I will celebrate 45 years of being married, with one-third of that time being in PNG. 40 years of our marriage has been invested in full-time ministry. There is much to do here for our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Keep praying for us!

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
Philippians 1:27

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

Enjoy some pictures from recent weeks here in PNG! [PC: some by Pastor Tau Abary, others by John & Lena Allen]

Pastor Dala teaching during the frequent evening power blackouts.
Pastor Ben Samauyo, our village pastor from Kotidanga (and lead translator on the Kamea New Testament) with Pastor Cranston Knowles from the Bahamas. Ps Cranston and his wife Susanna were a GREAT blessing to all of our people when they were here. He spoke at Capital City Baptist Church’s Youth Conference, the National Pastors’ Conference, the BBIPOM Conference, and at Capital City Baptist and Shalom Baptist. We are so grateful for his ministry among us here.
Our Kamea kids came in for the Youth Conference here at our son Matt’s church. So good to see them–and to host some of them while they were here!
Malcolm and his wife Metiyai have been friends of ours since we moved to PNG in March 2008. Malcolm worked with Missionary Tom Palmer on the translation of the Hamtai New Testament, and Malcolm has always been an encouragement in our Kamea project.
In 2009 Dr. Micah Yawing was deputy director for Morobe Province Health Department. He wrote one letter and made one phone call–and from that our Kunai Health Centre received whatever government medicines were available, for the next 13 years until we closed in late 2021. When our own province refused to help, Dr. Micah stepped in and opened great doors of supply for us. I saw him in Lae at the conference; we had not seen one another in nearly 15 years.
Our dear Sister Sarah Glover served the Kamea and PNG people from April 2010 through September 2022. It was a blessing to honor her service at the BBIPOM Conference. God is doing great things through Sarah!