The daily work of translating God’s words into Kamea is pressing forward, even when different kinds of delays pop up throughout the week:
There’s something broken that must be fixed.
There’s an emergency and a patient needs transport.
There’s a flight coming with supplies and we have to go over the mountain to meet it.
Someone from the community has come and wants to share a story.
But it is all the sweeter when we can read something like this in Kamea:
Nai Ä’oi mtinga tawata upmäta nonqo ti,
ma pi’a’ma Ä’o qana nai mtinga tawata qanupmäta ti.
We love him, because he first loved us.
(1 John 4:19)
We just completed our final check of 1 John and printed copies of it. This is our second New Testament book! Right now Ben, Yali, and I are in various stages of translating the book of Acts. Pray for this amazing work!
Just this week someone came to Ben, asking him to explain the Gospel further. She said that she had heard Ben preach on Tuesdays at the clinic, and she is under such conviction that she can’t stop thinking about it. Pray that she will soon come to faith in Jesus Christ!
I have been preaching expositionally through Ephesians for many months now. At the same time, Ben has been expounding his way through Romans. By the time you read this, Ben will be teaching through 1 John, directly from our new Kamea translation. This will be another milestone for us!
The affect of God’s Word on our people is visible. Change is slow but solid, and it is wonderful to watch the power of the Word as it does the work of God in hearts and lives!
Serving Him in the Field,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1
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Ever wonder where we live?

View of Kanabea airstrip (4,100 feet elevation) that connects us with the outside world. We live “just” over the mountain from Kanabea.
Click to visit the PNG Tribal Foundation website.

The Kamea “Jesus” videos continue to receive lots of attention as they spread the Gospel in the Kamea language.
Thank you for your posts on Facebook. Praise God for the good work there and for this newly translated Scripture.