Moving Along


Soon after our last update, we finished packing and sent our household goods (and somebody’s small library) from the Highlands down to Port Moresby. The Lord provided a good place for us to rent, just five minutes’ drive from Capital City Baptist Church.

We are renting in Edai Town, about 25 minutes from downtown Port Moresby, and 5 minutes from Capital City Baptist Church.

Already we’ve met many new people and are adapting to ministry in the city. The contacts we have made thus far regarding government and clinic work have been providential, and we thank the Lord for how He is sovereignly putting things together to advance the work at Kunai, even as we now live in Port Moresby.


Last week I was privileged to speak at the Pastors’ Workshop at Calvary Baptist Church in Lae. Pastor Ben and Pastor Kevin were able to fly out from the village to attend, and it was good to spend some personal time with them. The meeting was in conjunction with Calvary’s World Missions Conference, and it was exciting to see the strides our national churches are making in looking outward to the fields beyond.

All the pastors attending the Workshop at Calvary Baptist in Lae

An even bigger blessing was watching the Lord work in all of our hearts through the teaching of His Word. How precious it was when a holy hush fell on the room, followed by an altar filled with praying pastors who were moved by the exposition of the Word of God. Pray with us for God to move in a great way in our nation, advancing the Gospel here and abroad!


Another new nurse, Jennifer Thompson, is scheduled to arrive within a month. When she flies in to Kunai, Pastor Ben and Bro. Yali will fly out to be with us for two weeks of translation work here in Moresby. We also hope to do some New Testament recordings while the men are here.

Lena and I are visiting the city churches to get to know the pastors, their people, and the city. There are some wonderful saints here, and we trust that number will increase as we all labor together for the cause of Christ.

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

Enjoy the photos from the last few weeks:

Calvary Baptist Church choir
Pastor Phillip Sorulen of Calvary Baptist Church, Lae
Justin McGann, general manager for Curtain Brothers Construction in Port Moresby; Justin volunteered his time to do the road survey for us. He’s manager of the biggest construction firm in Port Moresby–it was an honor to have him do this for us!
Patrick, our pilot, and the trusty steed that took us from Port Moresby to Kotidanga and back. Low, and slow, and oh–what a view!
Sarah Glover and Kyle Murphy took Justin, me, and Pastor Ben to the top of the mountain to begin our damage assessment of the Kotidanga road.
Real friends walk with you in the mud and the rain.
Part of the gang who walked with us to survey the road damage. So grateful for dedicated friends up there at Kunai!
Flying back to Port Moresby: View from inside the R44 helicopter–and what a view it was!
PNG dry season is here!
Beautiful Central Province coastline
In May we visited the YWAM medical ship when it was docked in Lae. Here are Sarah Glover, April Harper, and Lena together on the deck of the ship. April came to visit Kunai last year and taught our Kunai clinic team how to prep and read tuberculosis slides.
The YWAM medical ship team does eye surgery and dental work as they travel around our island.
Young children at Runway Baptist Church in Port Moresby, reciting their memory verses.
We got to be part of a BIMI Bible distribution in some nearby schools. Amazing response by the youth and the teachers!
And meet the newest member of the Moresby squad–King Cat (KC).

1 thought on “Moving Along

  1. You all have been so busy! My fav picture is the blue helicopter. Blue is my fav color. And the picture of the boys showing off their bibles! YAY

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