John 3:16 has been translated into a new dialect!

MARCH 2021

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

We have delayed posting this blog so we could update you on the progress of the Kamea New Testament translation.
When we sent Sarah Glover and Hannah-Rose Winter up to Kunai with a load of supplies in February, Pastor Ben Samauyo and Bro. Yali Tapakoeo caught the plane back to Port Moresby.  Together we did a two-week intensive read-through of the entire Gospel of John in Kamea. Lena cooked and washed and kept the distractions away while the three of us locked ourselves in the office and poured over the translation.
How does a read-through work? The first step in the process was the preparation of the document from which the work was to be translated. I did the front translation in Pidgin with notes, accompanied by the text in English. I emailed those up to our coworkers at Kunai, who passed them along to Pastor Ben. He then typed up his translation in the Kamea language. Once he translated and checked it, he passed it on to Yali, who then took the newly translated Kamea text and translated it back into Pidgin to see if the meaning was still the same.
When we all sat down together, Pastor Ben read the text out loud for Yali and I to hear and comment on. We made corrections in comprehension, wording, and spelling. When it agreed with the text, was clearly understandable, and sounded good, then we printed our draft.

Read John 3:16 in English, Tok Pisin, and Kamea!

A couple of notes for those who follow this sort of thing:
1. Teaching literacy in the Kamea language is a slow process. At present there is little interest in learning to read in Kamea, but a lot of interest in hearing the Scriptures read. They love hearing God’s words in their mother tongue.

2. We began our project in 2014. At present we have translated over 5,300 verses (about 2/3) of the New Testament, with mostly smaller books left to do. (Not bad considering all the other ministry things happening here!) Presently, we are working our way through our last large book, Revelation. All of our work will need further review by our people, but by God’s grace it keeps moving forward! 

The God Who Loves to Answer Prayer

Since our last update, the Lord heard your prayers and opened the door for our first Australian nurse to join the team. Hannah-Rose Winter arrived just a couple of weeks before our first Canadian nurse, Becca Wyatt, headed home this week. We are so grateful for the team at Kunai Health Centre (Sam, MaryBeth, Stacie, Manandi, Jon Mark, Judas, Linda, Ellie, Piyaro, and Nancy) and their service for the King!

Becca Wyatt holding twins who are now on our baby milk program

Thank you all for helping us in prayer. It is our privilege to serve God with you!

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

Kunai Health Centre:
Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

Lena and I sporting our new Bible college shirts.

Enjoy some recent photos from the ministry here:

New logo for BBIPOM!
Baptist Bible Institute students busy during class.
Watching our video class on Monday nights…
Even after the power blackouts–just keep watching the teacher’s computer!
Checking the read-through of John’s Gospel in Kamea.
Making the edits and adding words to the dictionary.
Finished draft of John’s Gospel in Kamea, printed and ready to go.
Beautiful sunset after a big rain and long time with no sun.

Baby Milk Update, January 2021

BABY MILK UPDATE as of January 2021

We thank the Lord for another year of His provision of baby milk for our clinic ministry at Kunai Health Centre. Even though we had to limit services at times during the pandemic, in 2020 we were able to distribute 246 cans of formula, serving many infants and young children who are malnourished.

In some cases, the mother has died in childbirth, or shortly thereafter. In other cases, the parents have to give the child away as they are unable to feed another mouth…and others of our “baby milk babies” have mothers who are malnourished and unable to produce sufficient milk to feed them.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Baby-milk-can.jpg

The baby milk program began in 2009, and it has served over 400 children since then. Some of these children are school-aged now, and by God’s grace, they are doing quite well.

These twins were just 2.86 pounds each when they were born. They were so tiny! Before we had the supplement program in place, fresh-squeezed pineapple juice or sugar cane would be the usual liquid for any baby that mom could not nurse. Thanks to your support of the baby milk program, we are able to supplement them so that they can stay with their birth mom. She is breastfeeding and supplementing with the baby formula. Way to go!

This year, 10 babies came to us severely malnourished because their mothers were malnourished, too. On the baby milk program, they all became chunky little bits!

Another 14 babies were adopted and fed with baby milk by someone other than their own mother. Take a moment to read Bufort’s story.

Thank you to everyone who joins with us in prayer and financial support of this vital program. We are grateful for those who give monthly or occasionally, and thank you all for keeping the clinic ministry and our people in prayer. The children thank you too!

Income: $3,252.97
Expenses: $3,326.48
Total cans purchased: 246
Cost per 2 lb. can: $13.52
Babies served: 32

Income: $3,595.00
Expenses: $4,420.92
Total cans purchased: 320
Cost per 2 lb. can: $13.82 (price decrease due to exchange rate)
Babies served: 38

Income: $9,118.42 (including a generous gift of $5,000 on Dec. 31, 2017!)
Expenses: $4,063.79
Total cans purchased: 270
Cost per 2 lb. can: $15.05 (increase due to extra air freight costs)
Babies served: 30

Income:      $4,180.41
Expenses:  $5,341.75
Total cans purchased: 420
Cost per 2 lb. can: $12.72 (price decrease due to exchange rate)
Babies served: 45

Income:      $5,715.00
Expenses:  $5,638.34
Total cans purchased: 400
Cost per 2 lb. can: $14.10 (price decrease due to exchange rate)
Babies served: 50

Income:      $6,875.00
Expenses:  $8,280.37
Total cans purchased: 558
Cost per 2 lb. can: $14.83 (price decrease due to exchange rate)
Babies served: 29

Income:      $1,320.00
Expenses:  $6,468.40
Total cans purchased: 400
Cost per 2 lb. can: $16.17
Babies served: 44

Income:       $6,414.16
Expenses:   $8,396.37
Total cans purchased: 471
Cost per 2 lb. can: $17.82
Babies served: 58

Income:       $627.51
Expenses:   $10,446.22
Total cans purchased: 547
Cost per 2 lb. can: $19.10
Babies served: 58

Income:       $1,415
Expenses:   $5,325
Total cans purchased: 300
Cost per 2 lb. can: $17.75
Babies served: 42

Bufort’s Story

by Sarah Glover, missionary at Kunai since 2010

When living and ministering to provide health care in a communal society, your history with your patients runs deep.  They are your friends, not simply a chart to be pulled out of a file, and your friendship deepens with each interaction with them.  Such is the case with Bufort.  But let me back up a bit and put his story into context.


Bufort’s grandmother, Linda, has been a translator at Kunai Health Center for years.  She is faithful in all her areas of responsibility in the clinic, but she truly excels in her work in our prenatal clinic.  So it was a special day for all of us when her oldest, newly married daughter came for her first prenatal visit. We were able to provide her with care throughout her pregnancy, including diagnosing and treating malaria during her pregnancy, which can be potentially life-threatening for both mom and baby.  

I was already in bed one night when the knock came on my door.  It was Linda.  Julie was in labor.  We had no midwife on the property, and since we encourage all of our first time moms to deliver in a health facility, we decided to transport her to the rural hospital on the other side of the mountain.  A landslide on the trail prevented us from taking her the whole way, but we were able to take her a little over halfway in our Kawasaki Mule, and we waved goodbye in the wee hours of the morning as she continued her trek another 45 minutes to the rural hospital.

The next afternoon we were delighted to see Linda, Julie, and a precious baby boy on the clinic porch.  They named him Bufort nearly right away, which is unusual for our people.  They often wait a year to name their babies to prevent over-attachment should the child not survive his first year.  But that’s ever so gradually starting to change, especially among younger parents.  I can’t prove it, and I’m sure they could never articulate this, but could it be tied to a generational shift in thinking because they grew up knowing that Kunai Health Centre was there? Could it be perhaps some hope has been born in their hearts that there will be someone there to help their babies through the preventable and treatable diseases of childhood which so many wee Kamea warriors had succumbed to in the past?

Julie and her husband, Tom, are good parents, and Linda loves her little grandson.  But when Bufort was about 3 months old, a crisis struck their family.  Julie became desperately ill.  Without the ability for any major diagnostic testing, and based only on experience and on her symptoms, we began treating her for meningitis.  She rallied for awhile and seemed to be responding to the twice-a-day shots we were administering, but then her condition gravely worsened, and she began experiencing seizures and hallucinations.  We knew she needed to have access to medical care that was closer than the next village down the trail, so we made the decision to again transport her to the rural hospital on the other side of the mountain.  We took her in the same Kawasaki Mule to the same landslide, but this time there was no walking to the rural hospital for her.  Instead, she had to be carried in a sheet tied to a pole.  We prayed, believing God could do exceedingly great and wonderful things. But we also kept an eye on the trail out front every day should things not go well, and we happen to see them walk by carrying her body back to the village.

Her conditioned worsened, and at times she was in a near comatose state, unable to rise from her bed for any reason.  Eventually her deterioration was so severe that she was unable to nurse Bufort anymore.  She had so beautifully given him life, but now she could not sustain it, so they turned to us for help.  Before in such cases, there was a high likelihood that the baby would not survive.  But thanks to the Baby Milk Program at Kunai Health Centre and all of those who support it, this one got to live and be nourished even though his mom was so sick.  

Julie remained in critical condition for months. God heard the prayers of many around the world, and He turned our sorrowing into rejoicing.  Many months later she walked him home to her village.  Bufort has a mom, and Julie has her sweet baby still.  Thank the Lord–and thank you to our supporters for the part you played in this story.

Babies like this one benefit from the baby milk program. Thank you for your support!

2020–Not a Loss

Looking Back

Here are some highlights of our 2020:

  • Our 40 ft container of clinic, school, Bible college, and construction materials was shipped from the US and received here, and God provided for the clinic and school supplies to be forwarded on to Kunai.
  • We completed our draft of John in the Kamea language and began the draft of Revelation in Kamea.
  • God provided new nursing staff for Kunai Health Centre as other nurses rotated back to the US. Thank you to Kyle, Lauren, Chelsea, and Danya for serving! Thank you to Stacie and Becca for coming when it didn’t look possible, and for Mary Beth being there through it all!
  • We began renovation of our new home & office space in August and moved into the house in November (with just a few things left to be finished out).
  • Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby (BBIPOM) completed its 1st year with 20 students, covering six courses in spite of lock-downs and power blackouts.
  • Dear brethren in Australia provided school materials for the new Christian school at Kunai begun by Sarah Glover this year.

Looking Around

We’ve been thinking much about our ministry options for the present. Churches here have been able to continue their services and outreaches, with the only real limitation of not being able to hold conferences. Relatively few people in PNG have access to hear or watch a conference online, especially those pastors and churches located in more remote areas. Our national pastors around the nation need the fellowship. The Lord has provided us with much material for pastors and teachers, and we want to get those into their hands as well as have gifted, godly speakers teaching the sessions. Pray with us about the door opening back up for us (and other good churches) to resume hosting conferences.

Looking Ahead

These are the things we have mapped out, Lord willing, for 2021:

  • We have applied for a visa for a new nurse coming from Australia—
    Pray the Lord will make a way for her.
  • We plan to begin our new term for BBIPOM (2nd year) on 25 January—
    Pray the Lord keeps the doors open, and pray for our returning students
    plus new students who plan to join us.
  • We want to continue our New Testament translation in the Kamea language, doing checks and reviews along the way—
    Pray the Lord provides for our village translation team to be able to fly
    out here to town and to return in a timely manner.
  • We desire to do more outreach and work with our believers—
    Pray the Lord helps us to see and to seize the opportunities.

Most of our 1st Year Students at BBIPOM

All in all, we want to “follow on to know the Lord” (Hosea 6:3a), and to make Him known among the nations!

None of us knew what 2020 would bring, so when it comes to 2021—or even tomorrow—we say with the Apostle James, “If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.” (James 4:15b)

Thank you for your prayers for us, for our people, and for the Lord’s work, and thank you for making it possible that we can do it. Thank you again for allowing us to represent you. Please take time to look through this blog to see photos from this year and enjoy what God has done through you as you have stood with us!

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

A special thank you to Pastor Tau Abary and Mary Beth Snyder for taking some of these photos!

A gift from our students as they finished their first year at BBIPOM.

Students listening attentively during chapel.

Missionary John Gray came to challenge our student body.

It was a privilege to have my son Matt come teach a class on sermon preparation for our Exegesis & Exposition course.

My son Matt Allen with Pastor Tau Abary of Shalom Baptist Church

It was our privilege to join several local pastors for the graduation and awards ceremonies at Shalom Baptist Christian Academy.
Here, Mrs. Suzanne Abary, wife of Pastor Tau and headmistress of the school, is being honored for 10 years of service at the school.

Thankful for our friends laboring out at Kunai: Becca Wyatt, Sarah Glover,
and Stacie McCary. (PC: Mary Beth Snyder)

Below are some photos of the set-up and conversion of our new house and offices. Special thank you to Curtain Brothers Construction for donating, delivering, and setting up the “donga” (formerly a bunkhouse at the Exxon plant near here). Thanks also to the staff men at Capital City Baptist Church and South Pacific International Academy for their tireless work on the project. Thanks to the contractors, Altra Builders and MZ Electrical for their expertise and long hours.

Here’s a sunrise view from our front veranda.

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby Mission Statement

Rejoicing in the Wilderness

“Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17)

This letter has been delayed because we’ve been watching the Lord do a mighty thing on our behalf here in PNG. Let me share it with you…

Since our first newsletter this year we’ve shared with you our need for nursing staff at Kunai Health Centre. Without funding to pay qualified national nurses, we still rely on missionary expatriates to come fill those positions. And while we continue to pursue avenues for funding, we need laborers! Many of you prayed, and we announced in a previous update that we had the two nurses—Stacie and Rebecca—but the international borders have been closed here due to the pandemic.

Fast forward to two weeks ago, which was our deadline to call it all off for now. Stacie had her visa, but Rebecca’s had been delayed for almost six months. Approvals were needed from New Zealand, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. Tickets had been purchased, and rescheduled, and rescheduled. Two weeks ago we spoke with Rebecca and her pastor and told them we were sorry, but the miracle of getting a visa during the pandemic had not come through. We would have to put this off indefinitely.

That was around 9 AM our time.

A couple hours later, around lunch time, Rebecca’s visa was approved! It was all back on again, but now there were approvals to get—especially one from the PNG Covid Team.

By God’s grace and His grace alone, the nurses left a week later with approvals to transit New Zealand and Australia, but the PNG approval was delayed due to our national Independence Day holiday. When the ladies arrived in Brisbane, they still did not have approval to enter PNG the next day…

Thanks to the Lord and to those working hard in the PNG Covid Team office, approval came through just in time for the nurses to fly the last leg from Brisbane to Port Moresby! This was a crazy ride, and at such a time as this!

As I write, they are doing a mandatory 14-day quarantine in a local hotel and are scheduled to get out on October 2nd. We plan to spend a few days with them, picking up supplies and getting to know them better. Then, Lord willing, they will fly up to the mountains and join the team on the ground at Kunai.

This has been a year-long prayer request, and even though we did what we knew to do, it was only God who made it all come together, literally at the 11:59 mark! To Him be the praise and honor and glory!

Join us in prayer as these young ladies begin their journey of meeting our people, gaining the language, and learning how to minister effectively in the spiritual and physical lives of our Kamea friends.

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

For a print copy, click here.

Kunai Health Centre:

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

BBI POM began its third term in August with 26 students.
Dry season in Port Moresby can bring some exciting times, as it did on this evening recently. There was no damage other than grass and small trees, thankfully.
PNG Independence Day celebration brings out some traditional dress–in the hardware store!
Our “donga” arrived and is set up by Curtain Brothers Construction–ready for refurbishing into a house and office!
New windows installed in the living and office areas
Happy PNG Independence Day 2020!

The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

Click here for printable copy

New Normal

All of us continue to adapt to a world that has changed much from what it was even six months ago. I realize that many of you are still under restrictions, yet in PNG we have only had 11 confirmed cases to date, none of them serious (on a side note…everyone is sure that it is here, it’s just that testing is very limited…and any severe cases may have been missed due to the various other sicknesses and diseases that take the lives of our people). As a church, we are able to meet pretty much normally, respecting those who wish to keep a distance.

Members of Capital City Baptist meet outside after services to praise God for His goodness!

New Classes

After a month-long lockdown, we were able to resume classes at Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby. We completed our latest 8-week course last week and plan to return to classes (Lord willing!) the first week of August.

Students in class for the “Life of Christ” course at BBIPOM.

New Opportunities

Because of the religious liberty in PNG, doors open up in places you could only dream about in other countries. Among other things we’ve done lately, we were able to go with Pastor Tau and Shalom Baptist to distribute Bibles at the University of PNG Medical School and speak to future doctors, dentists, nurses, and pharmacists. This is something we’ve looked forward to for over a year.

Some of the students at UPNG Medical School who received Bibles and heard a challenge from God’s Word to know the Lord and to serve our people!

New Construction

Lord willing, we hope to begin refurbishing our new home on the campus of Capital City Baptist Church soon. Through a series of “God-moment” connections here in Port Moresby, the Lord provided a used modular house for us, including the excavation work to prepare the site—at no cost to us! It will take a lot of renovation, but we thank the Lord for it, and look forward to the opportunity to use it for His glory!

This is where our refurbished bunkhouse will be located.

Same Great Bible

We have recently finished our draft of John’s Gospel and are working our way through the Book of Revelation. Keep this project in prayer! We are past the half-way point now, and long to see it completed!

Same Glorious Gospel

With all the problems we all see around the world, we must keep in mind that there is only one long-term (might I say, eternal) solution: The saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. From the global pandemic to the gender-based- and sorcery-accusation-related-violence here in PNG to the unbelievable unrest in countries around the globe, the one and only steady hope we have is Jesus Christ.

Same Great Need

Laborers are needed!

1. Pray with us for borders to open so we can get our new nurses for Kunai Health Centre. They are willing and waiting!
2. Pray for our students at BBIPOM that God will raise up laborers among them for His harvest. He is able!

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

Kunai Health Centre:

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:

Here are some more photos to enjoy. Some of these were taken by Pastor Tau Abary and the people of Shalom Baptist Church (used by permission).

First, some of our BBIPOM students!

It is a blessing to teach those who are hungry for the Word and eager to serve the Lord!
Missionary ladies are a special bunch! Lena, Rebecca Florence, Chelsea Moorman, Danya Counts, and Trina Muldoon. All happened to be in town at the same time!
After months in the remote mountains, the expression on Danya’s face as she looks at all that ice cream is priceless. Yes, we got her some ice cream 🙂
A recent sunrise at Kunai–few places are more beautiful than this! (PC: Sarah Glover)

Only God

April 2020

Click here for printable text copy

When I wrote our last update in February, none of us had any idea what would soon transpire globally. Never have any of us been forced to say “if the Lord will” as much as we are saying it now, but regardless, our God is doing great things!

We have two new nurses who are scheduled to come once the borders re-open here in PNG. We can still use more nurses, but we praise the Lord for these two ladies who stepped up to the challenge.

The team at Kunai are continuing the ministry there. As of this writing we have no active cases of the virus in PNG, but our staff are prepared as much as possible for what may come. There are no ventilators or machines available out there, and no way to fly out critical patients. Therefore, we ask that you pray for the team on the ground, not only for their protection but for their witness.

It may not look like much, but it brought lots of medical and school supplies!

Our container—filled with supplies that many of you donated—has arrived and cleared customs. At present it is difficult to find flights to transport the materials to our team at Kunai. Pray we can get these medical supplies and school materials up there soon!

BBI POM 1st class

We reported in our last letter that our first week of classes went very well. Praise the Lord, the rest of the six-week term went even better! We had 20 registered students and anywhere from 15-25 visitors in attendance for every class. We finished on schedule just before the mandatory shutdown. When we reopen, we have even more students who have registered, and we are looking forward to getting back to classes!

Start of BBI POM classes–with social distancing before it was cool!

Because we wanted to continue teaching our students, we have begun a video series on the BBI POM Facebook page called, “Daily Words.” It is a brief lesson about how to study the Bible for yourself, using the text of Scripture as a reference. It is designed with our students in mind, but since it is in English, we hope others around the world will join us. Lena has also posted videos of most of the live sessions from our first class at either our BBI POM Facebook page or on our BBI POM YouTube channel.

In the uncertainty of these days, may we examine our hearts to see what the Lord may be trying to say to us as a church? Daniel prayed during the Judean exile, repenting for his people’s sins against their holy God (Daniel 9). Have we done the same? The present pandemic, the Australian bush fires, the locust swarms in Africa, the devastating tornadoes in the US—all of these in the last several weeks—can we not at least seek God and ask for His forgiveness, His mercy, and His favor? We who long for the return of the Lord Jesus—can we not admit that these present distresses are at the very least pictures of the birth pangs of judgment to come? And in confessing these things, can we not beg God for an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit in reaching the world for Jesus Christ?

Thank you all for your faithfulness—and at such a time as this. The resourcefulness of God’s people to BE the church when they cannot assemble as the church has been amazing. May the Lord open doors of witness for us all, and may He do things beyond what we can even ask or think. He is able!

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

Visit our Kunai Health Centre website for information about the clinic at Kotidanga

Some recent photos:

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby

The online services have allowed us to enjoy the preaching of men in Australia, PNG, and the US.

Our God is Able!



Praise the Lord for the successful first week of classes at BBI POM! We averaged 45 in attendance per session for the first three evenings. Registration for full-time students is set for 17 February.

Our first six-week course covers Creation to Christ, giving our students a biblical foundation of redemption. At present we are meeting at Shalom Baptist Church in the Port Moresby, and we are grateful for their gracious hosting of the classes. Our God is able!


Sarah Glover reports from Kotidanga that she has almost three dozen students in the inaugural classes of KBA. We are so grateful to Jubilee Christian College and Grace Baptist Church in Australia for their help in obtaining materials! The members of Kotidanga Baptist Church have prayed for this for over seven years!

Willie Tapaqueo is the son of Kamea Bible translator, Yali Tapaqueo

Pray for Sarah as she is doing two sessions; a morning session for the young students to learn to read and write, and an afternoon session for the older students (who are attending the local community school) to improve their reading, writing, and math skills. And best of all—Sarah incorporates the Scriptures and the Gospel into her teaching. Our God is able!


Please take time to read this and to pray with us:

During our recruiting trip at the end of 2019, though we received many supplies for the clinic, and though we saw much fruit in the meetings we were in, we were not able to recruit the nursing staff we need for 2020.

We will be critically short of nurses in the next few months! The last few months we have had five wonderful, capable nurses on staff. Two of those finished their one-year internship last week and returned home; another two will leave at the end of June, leaving only our national nurse Manandi.  Last year the clinic saw over 16,000 patients, and that is too many for three nurses, let alone one.

Dave Armstrong (left–Sarah Glover’s uncle) returned to Port Moresby on a flight with Lauren and Kyle Murphy–our RN couple who just finished an incredible one-year term at Kunai Health Centre. We will miss them!

Because of the time it takes to obtain paperwork for new nurses, as well as the need to give them a minimum of two months’ training before they can begin to take patients on their own, we need commitments from nurses now. If the Lord does not provide nurse interns by March 15, Kunai Health Centre will have to close temporarily beginning July 1, 2020, until such time as we get the staffing we need. We already have one nurse who has surrendered to come; and another, very experienced missionary nurse who is scheduled to come in October—but we need one or two more RNs to commit within the next few weeks.

Is the Lord burdening your heart to serve for one or two years as a nurse intern at Kunai? Do you know an RN who would be interested? Take a look at our new website, and learn about the ministry. Then, email to get more information about this awesome opportunity to serve in missions on the front lines, meeting spiritual and physical needs among a remote people group in the mountains of Papua New Guinea.

And please, everyone, pray! Because—Our God is able!

Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
2 Thessalonians 3:1

*A note of thanks to Marie Bell and Rachel Beard, who crafted our Kunai Health Centre website—great job!

Click here for a printable copy of the newsletter without the pictures

Thoughts from the Thruway

On the Road

It has been a whirlwind of activity the last few weeks since we arrived in the States. We have had some wonderful meetings with our supporting churches—some of whom we have not seen since we began this journey over 13 years ago! We have also reconnected with friends we haven’t seen in over 40 years (!), and those times have been precious as well.

We have met with many prospective missionaries, including preachers, nurses, educators, and those who have an interest in moving to the foreign fields for “secular” work in order to help churches to be planted. There are so many ways to be involved in reaching the world! Have you asked the Lord what He would have YOU to do?

Great News from Home

Sarah Glover, who has been at Kunai since 2010, is starting a Christian school for our village children in February 2020. This has been a prayer request of our believers at Kotidanga Baptist Church for the last several years, and in just the last few weeks that the Lord has made it possible. Praise the Lord for all the details He has worked it out!

Packing Up

Thank you so much for the incredible response we’ve received from those who have sent supplies and funds for the clinic, the Bible Institute, and for shipping! The Lord always blesses us beyond measure. When we finish up our meetings, we will return to Louisville to pack the container in time to ship it just after the New Year.

Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby

Soon we will be back in PNG, and preparations to receive our first intake of students for the new Bible school are already in full swing. We are excited to partner with the pastors of our fellow Baptist churches to train leaders for the future of our city and our nation!

Will you pray with us for the need we have for a venue for the school? At present, some of the city churches have graciously offered to host a block Bible school course at their facilities, but none of them are can serve as a permanent location. We are looking for a place that is easily accessible to students from around the city with a consistent backup power supply. Rent for such a venue in Port Moresby is astronomical and buying land (and putting up a building) is even more out of reach. We are confident that the Lord has the right place—pray with us as we seek to find a place and to raise sufficient funds to obtain it.

And while you are praying—pray with us regarding:

  • The need for nursing staff at Kunai Health Centre for 2020-2021
  • Our health and stamina in the work

Lord willing, the next time you hear from us we will be back in PNG. One of the biggest encouragements we’ve heard lately came from Rex Cobb, our missions’ mentor at BBTI. His words: “Thank you for going back! Many don’t.”

Monument to the Haystack Prayer Meeting

While in Massachusetts, we visited the “Haystack Monument,” which commemorates five Williams College students who began meeting in 1806 to dedicate their lives to the serve in foreign missions. Many believe the American foreign mission movement came from these humble beginnings.* Oh, that we had such a fervor to reach the world in our own day!

David Brainard’s grave in Northampton, Massachusetts. Brainard’s life, immortalized in Jonathan Edwards’ “The Life and Diary of David Brainerd,” [sic] has probably impacted more men and women to give their all to serve the Lord than any other English book.

Thank you all for your heart for the Lord and for us; you are the ones who make it possible for us to return. May God bless you and yours during this holiday season, and may we all have “2020 Vision” in the year to come!

Because He Is,

John & Lena Allen

2 Thessalonians 3:1

Click here for printable copy

The Influence of the Word of God

October 2019


The last three months, Lena and I have been visiting the established Baptist churches in Port Moresby, meeting with the pastors and getting to know their people. We appreciate the open door we’ve had in several of those churches to preach the Word.

We just finished an awesome week at youth camp in Australia at Grace Baptist Church in Malanda, Queensland. There was such a spirit of service among the workers and a great spirit among the youth. Many decisions were made, including some for salvation. Lena and I got our cups full as we spent time with some of God’s choicest servants.

The staff and campers at Grace Baptist Church’s youth camp.


Pastor Ben Samauyo and Bro. Yali Tapaqueo flew from Kotidanga to Port Moresby to stay with us for a couple of weeks while we worked on a full translation check on the Gospel of Luke. It was very profitable for us all, and the three of us being back together to work and fellowship was refreshing. Pastor Ben was able to speak at Shalom Baptist in Port Moresby, and that evening was a help and delight to everyone involved.

Pastor Ben preaching at Shalom Baptist Church in Port Moresby.
We just uploaded new audio recording software into Pastor Ben’s computer, and praise the Lord for how easy it is to use. Soon we hope to have some of our newly translated Kamea New Testament ready for our audio bibles!


We are so grateful for those who come to serve with us in the ministries at Kotidanga. Laura Lee Alford recently returned home after serving with us for nearly a year.

Laura Lee did many things while she was at Kunai. One of them was to help the checking of the Kamea New Testament with Pastor Ben and Bro. Yali.

Jennifer Thompson arrived in July, but due to an unknown allergic reaction she had to return to the States in September. Pray for Jenn as the doctors seek the cause of her illness.

It took several days to get Jenn out of the village due to bad weather. Note the muddy airplane–the airstrip has really been wet and muddy lately (see pictures below).


Since arriving in Port Moresby, we have heard and seen the need to conduct a Bible Institute for the training of new ministry leaders. The city pastors and churches are doing a great work, and we want to come along beside them to partner in training future leaders for both our city and for the nation.

There are some Baptist Bible schools around the country, and one Baptist Bible college in the Highlands. The other option is to send students overseas to the Philippines, Australia, or the USA for training. We want to offer the option of these leaders being trained here in the city while being mentored by their own pastors in their home churches.

Thank the Lord for the opportunity to sit down with several of the Baptist pastors in Port Moresby as we discussed the concept of the Baptist Bible Institute.

Pray with us as we prepare to begin the Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby in February 2020.

As I write this, we are getting ready to board a flight back to the USA for several weeks’ worth of meetings. Pray we can minister well as we report and recruit! Thank you for all you do to help us in the work.

Because He Is,

John & Lena Allen

2 Thessalonians 3:1


Enjoy some photos from the last couple of months…

The weather has been unusually wet–even for us. Kanabea airstrip was covered with water and mud. This was during the time we were trying to get Jennifer Thompson out.
The Lord dried out the airstrip enough to get Sarah and Danya out, too.
Eventually they all made it to Port Moresby!
Our Kotidanga youth ladies hiked three days to get to Kerema, then rode a truck for another 8 hours just to get to youth camp in Port Moresby.
I met Anderson in one of the nice grocery stores in Port Moresby and got to share the Gospel with him.
No, that’s not how he normally dresses. He was involved in a traditional ceremony for his tribe, and just happened to be in the grocery. (Note the photo bomb, too…)
We still do supply buying for the Kunai team. Yes, that’s a lot of toilet tissue.
Lena has become involved with the hospital chaplains at Port Moresby General Hospital. Here she was teaching on the proper masking procedures for visiting the tuberculosis ward.
Lena, all dressed up for Papua New Guinea Independence Day, September 16th!