It was a busy season for us as we finished up 2021 and began 2022. Here are some highlights:
Family Conference
In December I had the honor of preaching a family conference at a local church here in Port Moresby, just as we ended our Bible school term. There was a good attendance each night, and the people seemed to get help from the Lord and His Word.
Just a few days later I flew out to be with Wil & Trina Muldoon at Baimuru to preach for Pastor Danny and Baimuru Baptist Church hosted their youth camp. No roads will get you to their place; the youth came by canoes and a dinghy! There were a good number of youth from four churches, and a dozen of them made decisions for Christ. It was good to see the Lord’s work out there in the swamps of Gulf and to spend time with some of God’s choicest servants.

New Bible College Term
We began our new term in January with 23 students and a good number of visitors. One of our subjects is “Baptist Ecclesiology.” (As someone once said, “You pay the big money, you learn the big words.”) This class is a study of the workings of a local church, including its membership, its leadership, and its practices.
1st Printing of Kamea Scripture Portions
We achieved a milestone in our ministry in January. Through the generous giving of a church in South Africa, we were able to print—for the first time, and in one volume—all the books of Kamea scripture that have been completed and checked to date. It is 300 pages long, and includes Matthew through Acts plus several shorter epistles. To date Ben, Yali, and I have been able to complete 2/3 of the New Testament, and seeing it all bound in one copy is exciting to say the least. We were also able to print copies of portions of Mark’s Gospel in a larger font to use in literacy classes. Pray for the Lord to use His Word to reach the hearts of our dear Kamea people!

We always appreciate your prayers for us and the Lord’s work here. Thank you all for standing with us in prayer and support!
Because He Is,
John & Lena Allen
Colossians 3:23-24
For printable copy of this letter, click here.
Baptist Bible Institute of Port Moresby:
Enjoy some recent photos: